تفسير الاكليل كى روشنى ميں انسانوں کاجنات کےساتھ نکاح کاایک تحقیقی جائزہ
A Research Review of Marriage with Human Genesis in the Light of Tafsir al-Akleel
Human, Genesis, Marriage, Tafsir Al-Akleel, Marry a JinnAbstract
The gist of this article is that at the beginning of the subject, a brief overview and features of the conditions of life from the birth of Allama Suyuti to his death and his above-mentioned commentary on Al-Khalil per inference of revelation have been presented. He said that it is permissible to do so according to the Shari'ah.Then he asked the question: If marriage between a human being and a jinn is not permissible, then why did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) marry a jinn? Mention several answers. The answer to the question is that these were the laws that preceded us, which is not an argument for us.Finally, I would like to conclude on the subject of whether the marriage of Anas and Jinn is rational or not. Ibn Arabi presented the views of Maliki and Allama Mawardi in this regard. A detailed analysis of the harmful and negative effects of rationality and Shari'ah is presented.
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