’’اجتماعی اجتہاد‘‘ کی اہمیت قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں

The importance of Collective Ijtihad in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah


  • Muhammad Siddique Ullah Visiting Faculty, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Balochistan, Quetta. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9665-3425
  • Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Khalid Shafi Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Sukkar IBA University
  • Muhammad Ali Visiting Faculty, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Balochistan, Quetta.




Collective Ijtihad, Islamic Jurisprudence, Shura, Rightly Guided Caliphs, Administrative Affairs.


Collective Ijtihad Is an Organized and Social Effort to Deliberate and Contemplate on Emerging Issues in The Islamic World, Seeking Their Legal Solutions Through Systematic and Collective Endeavors. The Consensus Achieved in Collective Ijtihad Results from Collective Consultation, Which Is Conducted Through the Gatherings of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Scholars and Experts. In These Gatherings, Scholars Engage in Discussions and Analyse of Contemporary Issues and Strive to Find Their Legal Resolutions. Regard The Importance of Collective Ijtihad in Islam, Its Significance can be Traced Back to The Time of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Era of The Rightly Guided Caliphs. The Quranic Injunction Emphasizing Consultation (Shura) and Social Deliberation Is Prominent in Islamic Governance and Politics. Islam Encourages Muslim Rulers To Engage in Consultation With Their Subjects on Various Social Matters, as Evidenced By The Quranic Verse That Highlights The Importance of Mutual Consultation (Shura)” امر هم شوری بینهمAmong Them. This Principle of Consultation Is Not Limited to Religious Matters but Is Also Applicable to Political, Social, And Administrative Affairs. Thus, Islamic Governance Encourages Consultation and Social Deliberation, and It Provides a Foundation for The Legitimacy of Collective Ijtihad. The Concept of Shura, as Exemplified in Islamic Governance, Supports the Notion of Collective Ijtihad, and Justifies its Place in Islamic Jurisprudence.



Haythami, Ali Ibn Abu Bakr, Majma Al-Zawa'id Minba' Al-Fawa'id, (Akbar Book Publishers, Lahore, March 2018,) 1:178

Al-Ahzab, 42:38

Al-Imran, 3:159

Al-Bayhaqi, Ahmad Ibn Al-Husayn, Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, (Dar Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, 1424 AH) 7:45

Suyuti, Jalal Al-Din, Al-Durr Al-Manthur Fi Tafsir Bil Ma'thur, (Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 1420 AH) 2:259


Al-Tabari, Muhammad Ibn Jarir, Jami' Al-Bayan Fi Tafsir Al-Qur'an (Moasis Al Risla, SN,) 4:152

Al-Anshaaq, 84:7

Al-Bukhari, Muhammad Ibn Ismail, Al-Jami' Al-Sahih Li Al-Bukhari, Kitab Ul Iman , Bab Qaul Annabi (Dar Al-Turath Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1412 AH) H:103


Asqalani, Ibn Hajar, Hafiz Ahmad Ibn Ali, Fath Al-Bari, (Dar Al-Rayan Li Turath, SN) 1:262

Al-Ahqaf: 46:4

Aini, Badr Al-Din Ahmad Mahmoud, Umdat Al-Qari, Sharha Al Sahih Al-Bukhari, (Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1414 AH) 19:68

Abu Dawood, Sulaiman Ibn Ash'ath, Sunan Al-Nasa'i, Kitab Al Salah, Bab Iza Salla Khamsan, 1:312

Hakim, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, Al-Mustadrak 'Ala Al-Sahihayn, (Dar Al-Ma'arifah, Beirut, SN) Book Of Fasting, 1:431

Qushayri, Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, Al-Sahih Li Muslim, Kitab Al Zakat, Bab Bayan Isam Al Sadaqah, H:1006

Ibid, 698

Al-Bukhari, Muhammad Ibn Ismail, Al-Jami' Al-Sahih Li Al-Bukhari, Kitab Al Muharbeen Min Ahl E Alkufr , Bab Ma Ja Fi Altaaruz, H:6455

Ibid, Abwab Al Umrah, H:1625

Ibid, Kitab Al Azan, Bab Bada Al Azan, H:578

Qushayri, Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, Al-Sahih Li Muslim, Kitab Ul Jihad , Bab Al Imdaad Almalikah Fi Ghazawa Badr, H:1763

Ibn Hisham, Abu Muhammad Abd Al-Malik, Serat Ibn Hisham, (Dar Al-Ma'arifah, Beirut, 1399 AH) 2:272

San'ani, Abdul Razzaq Ibn Hammam, Al-Musannaf, (Dar Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, 1411 AH) 5:376-378

Darqutni, Ali Ibn Umar, Sunan Al-Darqutni, Kitab Fi Aqzia Wal Ahkaam (Dar Ibn Hazm, 1432 AH) 4:427

Al-Bukhari, Muhammad Ibn Ismail, Al-Jami' Al-Sahih Li Al-Bukhari, Kitab Aljihad , Bab Iza Nazal Al Adua, H:2878

Hakim, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, Al-Mustadrak 'Ala Al-Sahihayn, 3:577

Darqutni, Ali Ibn Umar, Sunan Al-Darqutni, Book Of Judgments, 4:203

Al-Bukhari, Muhammad Ibn Ismail, Al-Jami' Al-Sahih Li Al-Bukhari, Kitab Salat Al Khouf, Bab Salat Al Talib Wal Matloob (H:905)

Ibn Kathir, Ismail Ibn Umar, Al-Bidaya Wal-Nihaya, (Maktaba Al-Ma'arif, Beirut, 1411 AH) 3:362

Ibid, 4:13



Ibn Hisham, Abu Muhammad Abd Al-Malik, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 3:330

Ibn Kathir, Ismail Ibn Umar, Al-Bidaya Wal-Nihaya, 4:354

Muhammad Ibn Saad, Tabaqat Ibn Saad (Nafis Academy, Lahore, 2004) 2:2

Qurtubi, Muhammad Ibn Ahmad, Al-Jami' Li Ahkam Al-Qur'an, (Dar Al-Alam Al-Kutub, Riyadh, 1411 AH) 4:249



DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8352269
Published: 29-06-2023

How to Cite

Siddique Ullah, Muhammad, Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Khalid Shafi, and Muhammad Ali. 2023. “’’اجتماعی اجتہاد‘‘ کی اہمیت قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں : The Importance of Collective Ijtihad in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah”. Journal of Quranic and Social Studies 3 (1):39-49. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8352269.